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@ Richa,
I am an innovator from the field of last mile delivery. I have successfully developed a last mile delivery paradigm that can be used to efficiently and effectively do last mile deliveries and comes with cost structures that are significantly lesser than the existing hub and spoke distribution paradigm. Plus in my model each delivery consumes significantly lesser fuel thus making it a greener alternative.
In addition the system may have some features that can be used in a warehouse environment as well.
If you are interested to know more then kindly mail me at [email protected] or send me an invite at my LinkdIn in.linkedin.com/in/surjodoyghoshatase/

Augmented Reality will impact the logistics world substantially. More so because it will provide great help to processes by raising their productivity by helping them organize better.
What it also brings to my notice is the sheer utility of video feeds which perhaps have a deeper potential. having video feeds may help raise the accountability of performers because it'll allow instant retrospection. Even in the last mile delivery process the final interactions can improve thus. Imagine you are a key e com player and you wish to see how your 3PL is actually performing in front of your customers.
The fundamentals used by Augmented Reality which is the limited intelligent use of video feeds(related to identifying from video feeds)can soon herald in a whole new perspective where you can have instant analysis from feeds going on providing you with real time insights that help take key decisions.

Technology has invaded every field of the world, then how can be the delivery and shipping services remain untouched. These advancements will definitely lead the delivery services to the next level.

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