The wagers being played in the high-stakes M2M game are definitely getting higher. As we noted last week, Eurotech, who has long being seen as a leader in edge gateways and M2M solutions, divested its Parvus asset in order to place increased focus on its core markets.
Yesterday, Intel announced a commitment to deliver intelligent gateway solutions in early 2014, offering a combined platform of Intel, Wind River and McAfee products. These new, pre-validated products will allow embedded computer suppliers and their customers to more easily support M2M deployments targeted at legacy equipment as well as new products. The Intel M2M gateway solutions will be scalable from small deployments of a few supported things using Intel’s new Quark or Atom processors to large-scale deployments driven by higher powered Xeon products.
Why are companies such as Intel and Eurotech so focused on gateways? VDC’s previous and continuing coverage of scalable edge computing products has the answer. Unlike many markets, there is and will continue to be solid growth in all regions as the Internet of Things (IoT) and M2M become increasingly vital for saving operational costs and providing new revenue streams.
In 2014, VDC will again be reporting on intelligent edge node gateways. We look forward to your company’s participation as we shape the report scope and conduct the required research. For more information contact us at [email protected]