VDC’s Mobile and Wireless Practice is pleased to announce the launch of a groundbreaking new research program covering the North American market for mobile hardware, software and services targeted at the public safety broadband communications market. Building upon our coverage of the Land Mobile Radio (LMR) market, this research will is sort out hype from reality and help vendors understand exactly what the market opportunity is to provide commercial broadband-based offerings to emergency responders including police, fire and other emergency personnel.
We recognize that there is an enormous amount of industry buzz around the applications that could be enabled by public safety LTE / wireless broadband networks. But what applications and devices are first responders really interested in? And are they willing to rely upon commercial wireless networks – with all of their shortcomings - in the absence of a hardened nationwide public safety network such as FirstNet? What are they willing to spend on such products and services? And how will new LTE-based products and services coexist with the ubiquitous LMR technology in place today?
We’ll be looking at these questions and many more in this first-ever study of the North American Public Safety Broadband Market. Click here to learn more about this significant new research program.